Coastal Hurricane Impacts
​Copies of these and other published papers can be obtained from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thomas_Michot/publications.
1. Dobbs, Robert C., Wylie C. Barrow, Jr., Clinton W. Jeske, Jennifer DiMiceli, T. C. Michot, and James W. Beck. 2009. Short-term effects of hurricane disturbance on food availability for migrant songbirds during autumn stopover. Wetlands 29(1):123-134.
2. Michot, T.C., Wells, C.J., and Chadwick, P.C. 2007. Aerial rapid assessment of hurricane damages to north gulf coastal habitats. Pp. 87-96 In Farris, G.S., Smith, G.J., Crane, M.P., Demas, C.R., Robbins, L.L., and Lavoie, D.L. (eds.), Science and the storms: the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306.
3. Faulkner, S.P., W.C Barrow, T.W. Doyle, M. Baldwin, T.C. Michot, C.J. Wells and C.W. Jeske. 2007. Sediment deposition from Hurricane Rita on Hackberry Beach Chenier in southwest Louisiana. Pp. 157-162 In Farris, G.S., Smith, G.J., Crane, M.P., Demas, C.R., Robbins, L.L., and Lavoie, D.L. (eds.), Science and the storms: the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306.
4. Barrow, W., P. Chadwick, B. Couvillion, T. Doyle, S. Faulkner, C. Jeske, T. Michot, L. Randall, C. Wells, and S. Wilson. 2007. Cheniere forest as stopover habitat for migrant landbirds: immediate effects of Hurricane Rita. Pp. 147-156 In Farris, G.S., Smith, G.J., Crane, M.P., Demas, C.R., Robbins, L.L., and Lavoie, D.L. (eds.), Science and the storms: the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306.
5. Barrow, Wylie, Paul Chadwick, Melissa Collins, Brady Couvillion, Clint Jeske, Tommy Michot, Lori Randall, Chris Wells, Scott Wilson. 2006. Part IV: Immediate effects of hurricane rita on the suitability of cheniere forest as stopover habitat for migrant landbirds. In Steyer et al., USGS Report to USFWS, Impacts of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina.
6. Michot, T.C., and C.J. Wells. 2004. Prehurricane survey of barrier islands (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama). http://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/hurricane/barrierislands.htm. (published 08/17/04).
7. Michot, T. C., and S. Wilson. 2004. Posthurricane Ivan survey of Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana. http://www.nwrc.usgs.gov/hurricane/postivanphotos.htm. (published 09/24/04; revised 11/01/04).
8. Michot, T.C., J.N. Burch, A. Arrivillaga, P.S. Rafferty, T.W. Doyle and S. Kemmerer. 2003. Effects of Hurricane Mitch on seagrass beds and associated shallow reef communities along the Caribbean Coast of Honduras and Guatemala. USGS Open File Report 03-181. 65 p.
9. Michot, Thomas C., Ronald G. Boustany, Alexandro Arrivillaga, Brian Perez. 2003. Impacts of Hurricane Mitch on Lake Izabal, Guatemala, nutrients. USGS Final Report to USAID on Hurricane Mitch Impacts. USGS Open File Report 03-180. 21 p.
10. Doyle, T.W., Michot, T.C., Roetker, F., Sullivan, J., Melder, M., Handley, B., and Balmat, J. 2003. Hurricane Mitch: landscape analysis of damaged forest resources of the Bay Islands and Caribbean coast of Honduras. USGS Final Report to USAID on Hurricane Mitch Impacts. USGS Open File Report 03-175. 23 p.