Liner notes from cd's
1. RZ 1014 (1987) and LFM 0002 (1996)
Elevés à Pilette
To see full lyrics to these songs, go to the "Elevés à Pilette liner notes and lyrics" page.
The group's first album, "Elevés à Pilette," was released in vinyl and tape on the ARZED label in 1987, and re-released on the LFM label in cd and tape in 1996. That album was produced by Zachary Richard and was recorded at his home (Boudreaux Studio) in Scott, Louisiana. Zach also sings background vocals on one of the songs (La Valse a Howard Hebert). The late Dewey Balfa is a guest musician (second fiddle) on four of the tracks. Liner notes are also provided by Dewey; he presents a very moving treatise on the power of music, the power of family, and the warmth of a musical family. The band on the album consists of the five brothers: Rick, Tommy, David, Bobby, and Mike; instrumentation is fiddle, accordion, acoustic guitar, petit fer, and contrabasse. All songs are sung in French and a foldout booklet contains words to all songs in French, as well as the English translations and a short background on each song.
The album includes 13 tracks, 7 original and 6 traditional songs. The songs are listed below.
To hear clips from these songs, go to https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/freresmichot1 .
1. J’étais au bal (Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot)
2. La Valse à Howard Hébert (Rick Michot)
3. Two-Step de Ste. Marie (Rick Michot / Bobby Michot)
4. Le Reel à Patrick (Rick Michot)
5. Une livre de tabac (Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot)
6. Two-Step de Côte Gelée (Rick Michot)
7. La Danse de Mardi Gras (Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot)
8. Two-Step de Pilette (Rick Michot)
9. La Valse de Platain (Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot)
10. Breakdown de la Pointe de l’Eglise (Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot)
11. La Valse de la Ville (Rick Michot)
12. Allons à la Queue de Tortue (Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot)
13. Reprise de Mardi Gras (Dewey Balfa / Rick Michot)
2: SW 6174 (2003)
Les Frères Michot
La Roue Qui Pend
To see full liner notes and lyrics go to "La Roue Qui Pend liner notes and lyrics" page
To see photos of album booklet pages and cd liner and covers, see gallery page.
Our second cd was released on the Swallow label (www.swallowrecords.com) in 2003. Info below is from the cd tray card and the 16-page booklet inserted in the cd. The cd booklet also includes notations for all songs (see "Liner Notes" web pages) as well as French lyrics to all songs, thier English translations, and color photos of the musicians and the camp. To order the cd, see "CD Orders" web page. To listen to cuts from the cd, see https://www.flattownmusic.com/product/les-freres-michot-la-roue-qui-pend-the-hanging-wheel-cd/.
La Roue Qui Pend ("the hanging wheel") is the name of the Michot family camp. In south Louisiana, the term "camp" refers to a secondary residence, usually located in a natural or undeveloped landscape, that is used as a base for outdoor recreation, for social functions, and as a refuge or retreat from urban life or the workplace. La Roue Qui Pend is in the extreme southern portion of Lafayette Parish, near the Vermilion Parish line, on the banks of Bayou Vermilion. Louis Michot (father of the Michot Brothers) bought the camp in the early 1960s along with several partners, including the late Monsignor Alexander O. Sigur. The Michots had family functions there when the brothers were young, and the brothers hosted Boy Scout camping trips in the adjacent bottomland hardwood forest. The camp was about 10 miles from the Michot home in Pilette, close enough so that, when the boys got older, they were able to ride horses or bicycles there for camping trips, hunting, frogging, hiking, and swimming. There was always plenty of music played at La Roue Qui Pend. Many a night were passed with a fire in the hearth, a gumbo on the stove, and the music of the fiddle, accordion, and guitar played until the wee hours of the morn.
This album is the culmination of a long-term effort by the Michot Brothers between the years of 1994 and 2002 to produce a follow-up to their 1987 album, ‹ levé ´ Pilette. Sessions to work up the material were held first at Rick’s studio on Bayou Tortue Road in Broussard in 1994-95. After a short hiatus, recording sessions were held in the spare room of André’s house, located on Main Street in the old part of downtown Lafayette (locally known as Freetown), 1999-2000; 10 songs were recorded at Freetown. In 2002, the camp La Roue Qui Pend came back into possession of the Michot Family through a rental agreement with the Frugé brothers and sister, heirs of the camp after the death of their uncle, Monsignor Sigur. Consequently, the final recording session for this album was held at La Roue Qui Pend itself in the autumn of 2002. It was symbolic that the brothers had come "full circle" by returning to their roots at "The Hanging Wheel." The songs on this album are centered around the theme of La Roue Qui Pend, and the theme of the environment and the close relationship that the Michots, and Acadians in general, have to the land. As such, these songs represent the Michots’ own style of preserving traditional, acoustic Cajun music while accenting a strong vocal component.
Rick Michot fiddle, vocals
Tommy Michot accordion, p’tit fer, frottoir, vocals
André Michot guitar, p’tit fer, spoons, vocals
Louie Michot fiddle, contrebasse, p’tit fer, vocals
David Michot contrebasse, p’tit fer, vocals
Mike Michot contrebasse
Recorded at Freetown (1999-2000) and La Roue Qui Pend (2002)
Recording Engineer Louie Michot
Mixing Engineer Chris Cavell
Produced by Les Frères Michot
Cover Design by Les Frères Michot and Chris Swallow
Photography by Les Frères Michot and Blaine David Faul
French lyrics edited by Monica Landry
English text edited by Beth Vairin
BMI 2003 © Swallow Records 2003
Les Frères Michot, PO Box 23, Milton, LA 70558 USA;
tcmichot@gmail.com; www.lesfreresmichot.com
1. La Roue Qui Pend Music and lyrics by Tommy Michot 4:04
2. La Valse de la Mèche Perdue Music and lyrics by Tommy Michot 2:56
3. Le Deux-pas à Sydney Bourque Music by Rick Michot 2:18
4. La Valse de Marriage Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 4:35
5. Speciale de Wauksha Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:24
6. Les Plats Tous Mis sur la Table Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:27
7. L’un Pas de Bayou Vermilion Music and lyrics by Tommy Michot 3:32
8. La Valse de Tante Adèle Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 2:51
9. Le Deux-pas du Cimétiaire Music by Rick Michot 3:02
10. La Valse de Royville Music and lyrics by Rick Michot 4:18
11. Baieonne Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:40
12. Ton Papa M’a Jeté Dehors Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:30
13. La Vielle Valse de Bayou Teche Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 2:26
14. La Jument de Michot Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:31
15. Mon Cher P’tit Monde Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:33
16. Le Lapin a Volé le Giraumon Traditional tune, lyrics by Rick Michot 3:54
17. La Mazurka de Eugene Michon Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:33
18. La Valse du Marais Bouleur Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 4:08
19. La Vie Malheureuse Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:37
20. La Valse de Lac Charles Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:07
21. J'irais la Voir un Jour Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 3:46
22/23. Mélange Réligieux Traditional, arranged by Les Frères Michot 6:18
22. Kyrie Eleison
23. Le Temps Est Après Finir / Les Flammes d’Enfer
3: LFM 0003 (2008) and FA 579 (2012)
The third album, "La Caroline," was recorded at La Louisianne studio in Lafayette and was released in September of 2008 on the LFM label (LFM 0003); it features Rick's son Patrick along with brothers Tommy and Rick. La Caroline was re-released out of France as “Dedans le sud de la Louisiane” under the Fremeaux label (FA 579) in 2013.
Les Frères Michot
La Caroline
To see full liner notes and lyrics go to "La Caroline liner notes and lyrics" page.
To hear audio clips, go to:
1. La Caroline
traditional tune; lyrics, Rick Michot
2. Dedans le sud de la Louisiane
Alex Broussard
3. La valse de Albert Broussard
traditional tune
4. La chasse aux lapins
music and lyrics, Rick Michot
5. La valse de Bayou LaFourche
Happy Fats and Doc Guidry
6. Les blues de Carroll County
traditional tune
7. Allons à Lafayette
Joe and Cleoma Falcon
8. Le premier amour
music and lyrics, Tommy Michot
9. Au long de la rivière
Lee Sonnier
10. Le speciale des Musiciens de Soleil Couché
Lionel Cormier
11. La valse amoreux
music, Jay Ungar and Molly Mason; lyrics, Rick Michot
12. La veuve du Lac Bleu
traditional tune
13. Deux pas de vieux temps
Willis Touchet
14. Les memoires d’un vieux vacher
music and lyrics, Rick Michot
15. Je m’ennuie de toi
Adam Hebert
16. La valse à Varis
traditional tune
17. Le contradanse a Pepère
Harry Lafleur
18. Ris donc, Alladin, ris donc
traditional tune; lyrics, Rick Michot
19. La valse de Grand Bois
traditional tune
20. J'ai passé devant ta porte
traditional tune
21. La torturelle
traditional tune
Unless noted otherwise, traditional songs are in the public domain
All arrangements by Les Frères Michot
© 2013 Les Frères Michot - Frémeaux & Associés
Rick Michot: fiddle, vocals
Tommy Michot: accordion, harmonica, vocals
Patrick Michot, Jr.: guitar
All arrangements by Les Frères Michot
Produced by Rick and Tommy Michot
Recorded March 2008 at La Louisianne Studio, Lafayette, Louisiana
Licensed to Frémeaux & Associés - Groupe Frémeaux Colombini SA - Vincennes, France
Recording and mixing engineer: David Rachou
Front and rear CD cover tintype photography: Bruce Schultz
Landscape photos: Claude, Patrick et Jules Frémeaux
French lyrics edited by Monica Landry and Mandy Miguez
English text edited by Beth Vairin
Manufactured and distributed
by Groupe Frémeaux Colombini SA
under license by Les Frères Michot
Booking: Les Frères Michot
904 Bayou Tortue Road
Broussard, Louisiana, USA, 70518
Les Frères Michot would like to thank the following:
For the jam sessions and introduction to many new songs: Varis; Milton; George; and Mitch Conner; Lionel Leleux; Dewey Balfa; Henry Adams, Jr.; Claby Meaux; Ethyl Kibodeaux; Eric and Edgar Benoit; Coerte et Marjorie Voorhies.
For production assistance: Marcus Quoyser
For use of “LeBlanc” B-flat accordion: Flip Siragusa
For use of extra guitar in studio sessions: Andre Michot
P 2008-2013 Les Frères Michot - Frémeaux & Associés
© 2013 Les Frères Michot - Groupe Frémeaux Colombini
Note on photography: Tintype photographs of Les Frères Michot and empty chairs were taken by Bruce Schultz with an 8 x 10 view camera using 19th century wetplate photographic technology. A 10-second exposure was made on a metal plate, frequently called a tintype. The tintype’s image is technically negative, but because of the black background, it appears as a positive. Since the tintype ‘film’ is the same as the final print, most tintype images appear reversed (left to right) from reality. For that reason, the accordion and other instruments appear as left handed or backwards in the image of Les Frères Michot. The photographs were shot and developed at Rick Michot’s residence on Bayou Tortue Road, under the branches of a large live oak draped with Spanish moss.
On raconte que lors du périple des Acadiens vers le Sud, chassé par les Anglais lors du grand dérangement, les homards ont suivi le futur peuple cadien/cajun jusqu’en Louisiane, mais que ce grand parcours les a fait maigrir pour devenir « Écrevisses » ! Les bayous cajuns de la Louisiane relèvent du jardin d’éden rural de l’imaginaire francophone. Culture identitaire forte (culinaire, valeurs d’hospitalité, vie contemplative, pêche, fêtes, danse et musique), le patrimoine cajun porte en lui une histoire de la France et du Nouveau Monde réunis ; celle des Français d’Amérique. Dans la grande tradition des musiques populaires, la distinction entre professionnels et pratique amateur n’existe pas et c’est ce qui confère une légitimité à ce répertoire à être servi par ceux qui en défendent chaque jour la philosophie de vie (Laissez le bon temps rouler). Tommy Michot (accordéon, harmonica et voix) est biologiste des fonds sous-marins et Rick Michot (violoniste et père du guitariste Patrick Michot) n’est autre que le juge de Lafayette ! À l’arrivée, un excellent disque, qui porte en lui la richesse musicologique de la création au service du patrimoine, et qui constitue un véritable appel au voyage. « Dedans le sud de la Louisiane » révèle l’intemporalité et la pérennité de cette mémoire collective qui traverse les générations (250 ans) et permet, au moment de la mondialisation et de l’uniformisation, d’affirmer pour chacun de nous un héritage constitutif de notre identité et, pour l’humanité tout entière l’enjeu à préserver la diversité culturelle.
Patrick et Claude Frémeaux
The Cajun legacy has a strong cultural identity – cuisine, hospitality, a life of contemplation, fishing, festivals, dancing and music – with ties to the history of both France and the New World. Its great popular-music tradition makes no distinction between professionals and amateurs, giving legitimacy to those who serve music in defending the Cajun philosophy of life (Let the Good Times Roll). Tommy Michot (accordion, harmonica, vocals) is a marine biologist, and Rick Michot (violin, the father of guitarist Patrick Michot) is a District Court judge in Lafayette! The result is an excellent record, filled with rich musicological contributions to the Cajun legacy, and this album reveals the timeless nature of a collective memory spanning two and a half centuries.
Patrick et Claude Frémeaux
1. La Caroline • 2. Dedans le sud de la Louisiane • 3. La valse de Albert Broussard • 4. La chasse aux lapins • 5. La valse de Bayou LaFourche • 6. Les blues de Carroll County • 7. Allons à Lafayette • 8. Le premier amour • 9. Au long de la rivière • 10. Le speciale des Musiciens de Soleil Couché • 11. La Valse des Amoureux • 12. La Veuve du Lac Bleu • 13. Deux Pas de Vieux Temps • 14. Les Memoires d’un Vieux Vacher • 15. Je m’ennuie de toi • 16. La Valse à Varis • 17. Le Contradanse à Pepère • 18. Ris Donc, Alladin, Ris Donc • 19. La Valse de Grand Bois • 20. J’ai Passé Devant ta Porte • 21. La Torturelle.
CD DEDANS LE SUD DE LA LOUISIANE, LES FRERES MICHOT © Frémeaux & Associés 2013 (frémeaux, frémaux, frémau, frémaud, frémault, frémo, frémont, fermeaux, fremeaux, fremaux, fremau, fremaud, fremault, fremo, fremont, CD audio, 78 tours, disques anciens, CD à acheter, écouter des vieux enregistrements, albums, rééditions, anthologies ou intégrales sont disponibles sous forme de CD et par téléchargement.)